Ghent University
After studying in EOST engineering school at the University of Strasbourg, I obtained the title of engineer and a master’s degree in geophysics. In January 2018, I started a thesis on the development of geoelectrical methods for the temporal monitoring of dissolution-precipitation processes in carbonate environments at Sorbonne University. I worked under the supervision of Damien Jougnot at the METIS laboratory and defended it in March 2021.
Since then, I have been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Orléans in the ISTO laboratory, on the LabEx VOLTAIRE2 project. I started my contract in April 2021. I worked on multiscale geoelectrical monitoring to model reactive transport and multiphase flow in the critical zone. I aimed, in particular, to improve the understanding of geoelectric signals by miniaturizing their acquisition for microfluidic experiments.
Recently, I was successful in obtaining a Senior Postdoc Fellowship from FWO (the Flemish Research Agency in Belgium) to investigate PFAS contamination and remediation in the subsurface by combining geoelectrical monitoring and X-ray micro-computed tomography. I started my contract at Ghent University in the PPROGRESS group in October 2024.
I am a geophysicist researcher interested in environmental studies related to critical zone mechanisms and especially in the investigation of hydrological systems and their associated chemical processes with geoelectrical methods. My research activities mainly focus on the design of laboratory experiments equipped for spectral induced polarization (SIP) and self-potential (SP) monitoring coupled with geochemical analyses. I also develop mechanistic equations and coupled workflows to relate the geophysical response to petrophysical and geochemical properties of the reactive porous medium.
Department of Geology WE13, PProGRess Group
Krijgslaan 281, S8
B-9000 Ghent
+32 (0)9 264 46 27